
We invite you to help keep our community clean and beautiful by committing to maintain some area in Cass County and keep it litter free. This program is for individuals, families or organizations who might want to work in small groups. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Pick a trail, park, neighborhood, street or roadway in Cass County, Nebraska and complete the Adopt-a-Spot registration form.

2. Commit to picking up litter at your spot at least twice a year, or more if you can. We recommend spring and fall.

3. Report your hours and trash amounts in the Adopt-a-Spot Reporting Form every time you do a cleanup.

We’d love an action shot or two of your cleanup to share on Facebook or our website. Just send digital pictures to KCCB at 402.949.0874 or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Contact us if you need supplies.

Please complete the following information and thank you for your volunteer time to make a positive impact on our community.

Adopt-a-Spot Registration Form

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